PT. Mindray
Company Industry : Medical Manufacture
  1. The company finds difficulty to ensure the attendance of the sales team in the field since the fingerprint attendance machine, located exclusively in the office.
  2. Managing manual attendance poses challenges due to its time-consuming nature, potential for data errors, and need for more efficiency in verifying attendance records.
  1. The company utilises Axdif app as real-time attendance tracking for the sales team which is seamlessly integrated with the HR system.
  2. The company effectively improved the HR team's report delivery time efficiency by automating attendance report generation through the Axdif app.

Mindray is one of the companies focused on medical devices and medical technology from China. With various innovations and advanced products, Mindray has a global distribution network and sales teams across several countries, including Indonesia.
With sales teams spread across various locations, Mindray's first problem is the difficulty of measuring employee attendance, especially for sales teams that often work outside the office.
Traditional attendance measurement methods, such as regular attendance devices or fingerprints, are not reliable for sales teams that conduct field visits or work from different locations. This condition creates the attendance record inaccurate with the actual condition.
Apart from the difficulty of monitoring attendance in real time, Mindray also faced the difficulty of manual attendance management to check and verify attendance records. This time-consuming and error-prone management created the administrative process highly inefficient.
Reliance on manual processes increased HR's workload and led to frequent inaccuracies in attendance tracking, payroll calculations, and compliance reporting.
These inefficiencies often resulted in delays, employee dissatisfaction, and a lack of transparency in attendance records, making it challenging for the organization to maintain operational efficiency and employee trust.
Mobile Attendance and Activity Record Feature in Ensuring Sales Team Activity
Axdif, a cutting-edge cloud-based HRIS (Human Resource Information System), effectively solves Mindray's employee attendance administration challenges. With a diverse range of features, the system enables this company to manage employee attendance and administration with greater efficiency and precision.
One of the key features that Mindray utilised is a geolocation (GPS)-based attendance system, which automatically allows the sales team to record their attendance through this mobile attendance feature. In addition, the activity record feature ensures the location and time of the employee's activities on each client visits on that day.
With these two features, the HR team can deliver the report to management in a short time and accurately, even if the sales team is working outside the office or conducting client visits. Axdif also creates notification and reminder features that actively prompt employees to take attendance.
With more accurate and real-time attendance measurement, Mindray's management can evaluate the sales team's performance more objectively. For example, they can view attendance patterns, locations, engagement levels, and the link between attendance and sales results. This data provides useful insights for sales strategy planning and team management.
HRIS Automation: Improving Accuracy, Efficiency, and Employee Satisfaction
Following the implementation of Axdif’s HRIS, Mindray addressed time efficiency in the HR administration process. Axdif shortens the verification process and simplifies the HR team’s work by eliminating the requirement to check and verify attendance records manually.
For example, the automation feature in Axdif’s HRIS enables the app to automatically calculate working hours, overtime, and leave. This calculation is based on government regulations and minimizes the risk of errors.
Additionally, the payroll process by HR becomes more precise because administrative reports, such as attendance, leave, or overtime, align with events that were recorded in the app. This process provides convenience for the HR team and ensures employees have certainty about the accuracy of their payroll. Selain itu, proses penggajian oleh HR menjadi lebih tepat karena laporan administrasi, seperti kehadiran, cuti, atau lembur, sesuai dengan kejadian yang tercatat di aplikasi. Proses ini memberikan kemudahan bagi tim HR dan memastikan karyawan memiliki kepastian akan keakuratan penggajian mereka.
In conclusion, Mindray's previous fingerprint attendance method was ineffective because it was not accurate in ensuring the real-time attendance of the sales team working in the field. Kesimpulannya, metode absensi sidik jari yang digunakan Mindray sebelumnya tidak efektif karena tidak akurat dalam memastikan kehadiran tim sales yang bekerja di lapangan secara real-time.
Therefore, Mindray was able to overcome this problem by implementing Axdif HRIS, which has geolocation-based features and automation. Axdif enables more accurate, efficient, and transparent attendance management and simplifies the calculation of working hours and overtime. Oleh karena itu, Mindray mampu mengatasi masalah ini dengan mengimplementasikan HRIS Axdif yang memiliki fitur berbasis geolokasi dan otomatisasi. Axdif memungkinkan pengelolaan absensi yang lebih akurat, efisien, dan transparan serta menyederhanakan perhitungan jam kerja dan lembur.
This solution reduces the administrative burden on the HR team and allows Mindray to focus more on employee development and strategic planning, supporting overall business growth. Solusi ini mengurangi beban administratif pada tim HR dan memungkinkan Mindray untuk lebih fokus pada pengembangan karyawan dan perencanaan strategis, mendukung pertumbuhan bisnis secara keseluruhan.